Actually, I have been waiting for the day for quite some time to be a part time student. I am eager to learn new things in life yet scared I couldn't finish it. Rugi duit & masa. After having a long conversation with my parents last year, I believed this is the right time, this new year has giving me a new motivation to improve myself. A new motivation for a successful future ahead. Previously, my weekend schedule will filled with a lot of activities; window shopping lah, movies, hang out with friends, karaoke, travel, etc. But this year, my weekends schedule will need to change but I am all excited about it.

I was very grateful to Allah SWT for giving this opportunity in life and opened up my heart to learn something new to improve myself better. My favourite lecturer always reminds me learning supposed to be fun and we should love with what we do. Human being easily adapt to something they think they love and like to do it.

I know its quite challenging for me to balance my life with working life. But as for me challenges are part of life. Ups and downs of life cycle are created for us to think and cope with it. My decision to continue my studies while working is one of the hardest things I need to do. But today, I think I start to enjoy every minute of it. 

Dear friends, here are 5 top tips for you to be ready before being a part time student; 

1. Calendar book - Make sure you have one. do update your calendar always. (e.g: assignment/presentation/works/personal matters, etc)
2. Prepare your own savings book. Record what your spending and plan your expenses. Save your money for yuran!
3. To do list - Make sure you have your own checklist everyday. 
4. Study space. Make sure you have your own area that you can concentrate.
5. To have complete stationery. To show that you are ready for the advanture!

When you start your study life, please remember your lecturer's name ya. Pantang ni! If you have anything to ask, kindly refer to your lecturer, not your friends. Sometime lecturer likes student who kinda show interest to the course and please do keeps in touch with them. 

Till then, good luck!


Anum said...

all the best

suwara entertainment said...

teringat zaman mase study dulu..hehehe :D

Unknown said...

sama la kita.. i ni lagi lah... i skg jadi,seorg isteri,ibu dan student! Ya Allah... mmg penat. tp demi mencapai cita2!
kpd ko, all the best k! masa zaman muda dulu dh byk sia2. skg hampir tua,so, bykkan aktiviti berfaedah.

i miss u badly friend! :,)