It’s been quiet long time I’m leaving my study life yet I still remembered all the good memories and missed every second of it; belajar shorthand, lecturer merajuk, kena gigit cali, naik prebet sapu, presentation, etc. It was so much fun. How can I forget it. duh! After 5 years then now I continued to suffer myself for another 3 years..mm..

Happened in Semester 2. Our lecturer gave us a task to do an impromptu speech. Kecut perut dibuatnya.

 tak sempat ambil gambar time sis ain lambai kat kami macam miss universe. kitaorang kat luar apa lagi gelak terguling-guling.

memang gugup but Alhamdulillah selesai.

Now, I shared you impromptu speech tips 
    • Greeting
    • Titled of the presentation - introduction & general
    • First point – explained – example
    • Second point – explained – example
    • Third point – explained – example
    • Conclude all the points given and quotes

Thank you Mr. Google

1 comment :

suwara entertainment said...

huwaaaaaa..rindu moment mase kt uitm dulu..rindu kt bebelan lecturer, rindu kt garang lecturer, rindu kt kengkwn yg agak same2 kepala giler, rindu nk monteng kelas, rindu nk naik bukit tonggek..hahaha..rindu kt semuanye!!!